Top 10 mysterious natural phenomena that challenge scientists

Top 10 mysterious natural phenomena that challenge scientists

Nature always contains a lot of mysteries that modern science still has no way of explaining, everyday these events still happen to the amazement of scientists. Toplist will list a few special cases.

1 The mysterious disappearance of millions of jellyfish 

Jellyfish lake on Eil Malk Island in Palau, waters of the South Pacific Ocean. This is a beautiful and quiet tropical island. At the lake, there are millions of golden jellyfish that move here every day.

However, in the years 1998 - 2000, for some reason the people on the island did not see a single jellyfish on the island, many theories were put forward, but none of them could convince scientists. feel satisfied.

Top 10 mysterious natural phenomena that challenge scientists

The mysterious disappearance of millions of jellyfish

2 Round tape

Round ice is also known as silver plate or stone pan. This is a natural phenomenon that occurs when water moves slowly in freezing temperatures. That's the theory, but so far scientists have not been able to explain how these circular ices form.

They suggest that they may have formed in eddies, where ice sheets would rotate and link together. The diameter of the circular ice can sometimes be more than 15m.

Top 10 mysterious natural phenomena that challenge scientists

Round tape

3 Saturn Storm

In early 2013, the NASA spacecraft detected a large storm forming on the surface of Saturn. The eye of the storm has a diameter of up to 2000 km moving at a speed of 530 km/h.

The principle of formation of a storm on Earth is due to the flow of moisture rising from the ocean, but on Saturn there is no sign of the sea. Therefore, the cause of this giant storm formation, scientists cannot explain.

Top 10 mysterious natural phenomena that challenge scientists

Saturn storm

4 Animal Rain

Everywhere in the world there have been recorded animal rains. In Ethiopia, in the summer of 2000 millions of fish, both dead and alive, rained down on the area.

Scientists believe that these animal rains are caused by tornadoes that suck water from rivers and seas, along with the creatures that live there. However, this hypothesis runs into problems when the creatures fall to the same category. That shows that these phenomena are not spontaneously caused by nature.

Top 10 mysterious natural phenomena that challenge scientists

Animal rain

5 Land of Silence

Desert Bolson de Mapimi, Mexico is known as the land of silence. With many mysterious phenomena related to electromagnetic waves. In 1970, the US military base in Utah launched a missile test, but immediately the missile veered off course and crashed into the desert.

Scientists only know that this area does not allow any electronic signals to enter, without knowing why, some people also see many humanoid creatures appearing in the area. .

Top 10 mysterious natural phenomena that challenge scientists

The land of silence

6 Volcano Signaling Lights

In some of the world's active volcanoes, there are often flashes of light before an eruption, scientists have theorized that the positively charged ash molecules released are charged. speed so it shot into the air.

Top 10 mysterious natural phenomena that challenge scientists

Volcano signal light

7 Cosmic Origins

In the modern world, the Big Bang theory is a model of the formation of the universe, explaining the birth of the universe. It explains that at a time about 14 billion years ago, space was compressed into a single point, then the universe expanded at the speed of light. However, this theory has not yet provided any explanation for existence before the Big Bang.

Top 10 mysterious natural phenomena that challenge scientists

Origin of the universe

8 The stones move on their own

Death Valley is a long and beautiful valley in the eastern region of the Mojave Desert, California. This is a lowland area, the hottest dry climate in North America. There are many dry lakes, quite large area with stones that can move on their own. The special thing is that these stones weigh more than 300kg, move strangely, it also leaves long trails on the soil behind.

Many theories suggest that rocks move due to the influence of magnetic fields, whirlwinds, and especially aliens. To date, there is no reasonable explanation for this phenomenon.

Top 10 mysterious natural phenomena that challenge scientists

The stones move by themselves


9 The death of turtles in Keystone Heights

Around January 2012, residents of Keystone Heights discovered dozens of dead turtles in the sand at the end of Pinon Road. With many theories put forward, many tests were performed, but still could not explain the phenomenon. Experts believe that the main cause is psychological trauma.

Top 10 mysterious natural phenomena that challenge scientists

The death of turtles in Keystone Heights

10 Beaches that suddenly widened overnight

At Porthleven Beach, Cornwall, England. Every time the tide goes down, most of the sand on this beach will be washed away. However, after only a few hours, the next tide, that lost amount of sand naturally returned to the beach. Where is the amount of sand that is swept away, where is the amount of sand that comes back. These questions have yet to be answered by scientists.

Top 10 mysterious natural phenomena that challenge scientists

The beach suddenly expanded overnight