Hingol National Park or Hungol National Park as it"s commonly referred to is one of the largest national parks in Pakistan and is located in the Makran coastal region of the country.

Hingol National Park or Hungol National Park as it"s commonly referred to is one of the largest national parks in Pakistan and is located in the Makran coastal region of the country.

This park however consists of curious looking natural rock formations according to geologists such as this eerily similar looking sphinx. I don"t know about you but I believe we are looking at an identically carved sphinx such as the one we see today gazing out on the Giza plateau in Egypt, in essence we are looking at artificial design rather than of nature"s therefore It is of my personal opinion that an unrecorded antediluvian civilisation which has been and continues to be swept under the carpet by academia for fear of having to rewrite the history books and most importantly our true origins and beginnings, I state antediluvian because of the amount of water erosion seen on the bedrock carved monument itself discovered and brought to public knowledge by brave geologist Dr Robert M.Schoch.🌄

Nestled within the rugged landscapes of Pakistan's Makran coastal region lies Hingol National Park, a vast expanse of natural beauty and geological wonders. Among its many attractions are the curious rock formations that have captured the imagination of geologists and enthusiasts alike. In this blog post, we delve into the enigmatic world of Hingol National Park and explore the intriguing similarities between its natural wonders and ancient artifacts, such as the sphinx-like rock formation that hints at a hidden history waiting to be uncovered.

Hingol National Park or Hungol National Park as it


Exploring the Geological Marvels of Hingol National Park

Hingol National Park is renowned for its stunning landscapes, diverse wildlife, and unique geological features. Among the most striking are the natural rock formations that dot the park's terrain, shaped by millions of years of geological processes. One of the most notable formations is the sphinx-like rock, which bears a striking resemblance to its ancient counterpart in Egypt. Geologists have studied these formations extensively, unraveling the complex forces of nature that sculpted them into their present forms.

Unraveling the Mystery of the Sphinx-like Rock

The sphinx-like rock formation in Hingol National Park has sparked speculation and debate among researchers and enthusiasts. Some believe that its uncanny resemblance to the iconic sphinx of Egypt suggests a deeper connection to ancient civilizations and lost histories. The presence of water erosion on the rock's surface further fuels speculation, with some suggesting that it may be evidence of a prehistoric civilization that predates known human history. However, others caution against jumping to conclusions and emphasize the need for further scientific investigation.

The Antediluvian Civilization Hypothesis

One theory gaining traction among alternative historians is the idea of an antediluvian civilization—a highly advanced society that existed before recorded history and was wiped out by a catastrophic event, such as a global flood. Proponents of this theory point to geological evidence, such as the water erosion patterns on the sphinx-like rock, as potential indicators of a prehistoric civilization. The work of geologists like Dr. Robert M. Schoch, who have studied similar phenomena around the world, adds credence to this hypothesis.

Challenging the Status Quo: Revisiting Our Understanding of History

The presence of intriguing geological formations in Hingol National Park challenges conventional narratives of human history and invites us to reconsider our understanding of the past. While mainstream academia may be reluctant to entertain alternative theories, the evidence presented by researchers and explorers cannot be ignored. By remaining open-minded and receptive to new discoveries, we may uncover hidden truths about our origins and the civilizations that came before us.

 Embracing the Mystery of Hingol National Park

As we conclude our exploration of Hingol National Park and its intriguing rock formations, we are reminded of the enduring mysteries that lie beneath the surface of our world. Whether natural wonders shaped by geological forces or remnants of ancient civilizations lost to time, these enigmatic features inspire curiosity and wonder. By continuing to study and preserve sites like Hingol National Park, we honor our collective heritage and pave the way for future discoveries that may one day unlock the secrets of our past.